Saturday, November 22, 2008

Paris Pictures

HEY GUYS. So currently I'm waiting in the airport for a flight to paris, so i thought i would get some pictures of Paris to review.

This picture is a comparison from i believe one hundred or so years ago; it shows how paris has changed through out the years. Mostly i was interested in the modern image to the right, I like that one more. The street kind of creates an interesting portion of the picture, since it's crooked and almost everything else is straight vertical or horizontal. Apparently, Paris has a lot of crooked and winding streets. It's interesting to see how the buildings have stayed the same, throughout the one hundred years. It seems in many busy bustling cities there are always old relics that give an idea of what the city used to be like. There's a good contrast in theis picture between the ground (bottom of picture) and the sky (top of picture). Not so much with the older photo though. The pictures are mostly the same, the street is the only thing that seems to have been modified, besides other small things on ground level like the ad's on the walls.

This is a delayed image of Paris at night. Pretty cool, I think. Again you can see all the old architecture, and like London this city keeps a lot of its history in it. THis picture could be a scene from one hundred years back, if not for the cars and roadways, and the flourescent street lights. I thought of getting a picture of he eiffel tower for this post, but i figured that would be pretty cliche, so i refrained. This picture reminds me of the houses of Parliament in London; the building and bridge have some of the same architecture and colors in it. Even though this picture was taken at night, there is still some contrast in the dark river and the lighter blue sky. Prt of the large building is also lit up, showing some of the lighter colors you can find in a photo.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Underground, City Streets

This picture is obviously of an underground tunnel in which a train passes through it. The tracks are only one way, and there is only one pair, so i would assume that this is a small subway system in some city. The photograph interests me because i always wondered what a lit up subway tunnel would look like. Normally when your riding a subway, like when your on the Tube in London, The tunnels are all dark, and you just see faint shadows and shapes from the windows of the train car. I think that this particular track is out of commission or is not open to the public, because of the lighting which uses unnecessary power during operating hours. I like how in this photograph there isnt any natural light, and its interesting to see a photograph taken below ground; there arent many of those. The tunnel stretches off into the distance, giving the viewer a sense of distance.

This is a picture i found on teh national geographic website, it's a picture of Lisbon, Portugal. it obviously isnt present day of course, and was taken in the 1930's. I like this picture because it seems almost like two different ones, with the different angles of the streets and people walking up them. This is because lisbon was built between hills, and so has many winding and steep streets. Lisbon was once Europes wealthiest capital city, and its interesting to compare this picture to any modern cityscape photograph now. I like to see how much things have changed, in only around 70 years. Im sure if you went to this same place in Lisbon now, it would look drastically different, for better or for worse. A picture can capture a moment in time, so you can compare it to what it may look like later.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Apple Store, NYC

Gooooood evening! For those of you dont know, this is a picture of the entrance to the Apple store in New York City, as you can see by this posts title. Now, i thought this picture was interesting because it looks almost as if it has a delay on it, but it doesnt! There's just a great many people going in, coming out, and walking around the apple store. It's a very popular place. I suppose one reason for this is the abundance of glass in this picture, which is transparent, giving the photograph the ability to look like there are a lot of people in it. And there are a lot of people in it. The picture also interested me because i've been to this actual location, so it's cool to be able to relate to a picture you find on the web. I've been picking a lot of black and white images, I think I'll start finding color ones more now, to see how different black and white and color can be. I wonder what this picture would have looked like in color?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Desert Picture

So i found this picture while in school on friday, i believe. Maybe it was thursday. Anyways, I got this picture and put it on here because i thought it was a good contrasting picture, like the cityscape picture of portland oregon in my earlier post. Also, this picture of the desert has a lot of variety to it, not just a solid pattern or a few shades of gray. You've got dark black shadowy sand, light, almost white sand being hit by the sun, and gray shades in between, from the sky and of sand in the foreground. In the bottom of the picture the sand has been changed into a pattern by the wind. I find it interesting how different things can change so suddenly in in such little time or, in this case, space, like how just over the ridge of that hill of sand it is completely smooth and undisturbed. It also looks like there is more wind disturbance farther away in the picture, to the left of the center. There is another example of how different things in nature can be, even when being in close proximity with one another and being made up of the same things. I like this picture also because it relates to the current photography project which we are doing, and has a heavy contrast between shades of gray. When we developed our negatives yesterday, we had to be careful to not keep them in the devoloping liquid for too long, or the contrast between things would become too great and the whole thing would over-develop. I think the photographer here did a good job of getting just the right development time.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Cairo Picture

I found this picture on google, and chose it for this post because it looks almost like a detailed
painting or sketch. The skyline of the city fades like a painting, and some of the buildings in the middle of the photograph look like they are sketched witha a pencil or pen. Also, the photograph changes colors greatly from bottom to top, and adds to the idea that this could possibly not be a photograph, but rather something that a persons imagination had sway over. The city in this picture is Cairo, in Egypt, and you can see the pyramids on the horizon. Over all, i feel that this picture has a very dramatic effect, and the lighting and different colors of this picture make it look like something out of an artists book, not a photographers album. It would be interesting to look into how these effects can be achieved.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Black & White Cityscape's

First post! So i found this picture just looking on google, on a "William Joseph"s gallery. I chose to look more into his gallery because i used to live in Oregon, and it seems that Mr. Joseph gets a lot of his material from Portland (where i used to live) and the surrounding area. It also looks like William likes black and white, and he has a lot of old photos, from around the 1950's and such. If you would like a link, here you go:

So this first picture i found interesting because it has like a fog in it. 
I think that fog isnt used very much in photography, because photographers like their
pictures crisp, so you can see details and it looks more like photography, not like paint
or something you can smear. But i like this image because its not like a lot of other
photography, and its not modern either.

This picture is also of Portland, but back in the day, in 1948. I like pictures that 
have delay on them, mostly urban scenes with all the lights, it makes it look cool. 
I also like thsi picture because it has several signs that it's not modern day, and you
can pick them out and try and guess how old this picture is, and in what time period 
it was taken in. Let me revise my earlier statement about delay photos: I like them 
when its nighttime, and delayed in a cityscape. Then they look best, in my opinion.
The street and lighter colored buildings contrast with the dark sky, and it gives you
the feeling the city is lit up even when the picture is black and white.