Gooooood evening! For those of you dont know, this is a picture of the entrance to the Apple store in New York City, as you can see by this posts title. Now, i thought this picture was interesting because it looks almost as if it has a delay on it, but it doesnt! There's just a great many people going in, coming out, and walking around the apple store. It's a very popular place. I suppose one reason for this is the abundance of glass in this picture, which is transparent, giving the photograph the ability to look like there are a lot of people in it. And there are a lot of people in it. The picture also interested me because i've been to this actual location, so it's cool to be able to relate to a picture you find on the web. I've been picking a lot of black and white images, I think I'll start finding color ones more now, to see how different black and white and color can be. I wonder what this picture would have looked like in color?
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